Class Xiron::Event
In: lib/xiron/event.rb
Parent: Object

An instance of this class represents an event. It may be received using Stream#handle, Stream#wait or instanciated to be sent with Stream#send. The attribute Event#id is always valid. The values of the other attributes depend on the type. Here is a list of available events and the semantics of its attributes: FIXME: complete

  id               attributes

  events used by xine for dvd and vcd menu navigation:


  events generated by Stream#play:


  @message and @parameters contain additional information:


  "set_title"               @message = new title





  these events are generated by video windows or terminals (see Stream#grab_terminal).
  mouse events are passed to the xine engine as "menu_mouseX" or "menu_motion"
  automatically, if it is not explicitely handled:

  "release"     subid = the button released
  "motion"      x, y = cursor position
  "<key>"       key/button pressed as string. FIXME: more here


new   to_s  


aspect  [RW] 
discarded  [RW] 
discarded_threshold  [RW] 
height  [RW] 
id  [RW] 
left  [RW] 
message  [RW] 
mute  [RW] 
num  [RW] 
pan_scan  [RW] 
parameters  [RW] 
percent  [RW] 
right  [RW] 
skipped  [RW] 
skipped_threshold  [RW] 
string  [RW] 
subid  [RW] 
width  [RW] 
x  [RW] 
y  [RW] 

Public Class methods

Public Instance methods
